Congratulations! You’re in!

Let's make sure you are ready for the best experience with a few hints below. Then check your email for your personal join link!

Congratulations! You’re in!

Let's make sure you are ready for the best experience with a few hints below. Then check your email for your personal join link!

Your essential next steps:


Save the date!

 Mark your calendar and ensure you have this time set aside just for you. A quiet, comfortable space can make a big difference!



Bring a Notebook!

This masterclass is full of helpful tips, and you will have so many lightbulb moments you are going to want to jot them down!


Get Excited!

Prepare to get a boost of confidence when you see what’s possible. You are going to see yourself, your style, and your wardrobe in a whole new light! 

Got a style bestie?

Share this masterclass with them to discover your signature style together!

Got a style bestie?

Share this masterclass with them to discover your signature style together!

Friends Don’t Let Friends Miss Free Masterclasses

Gather up your style besties and learn ALLLLL about your signature style together. Next time you grab coffee, you could be swapping outfit success stories.